For unauthenticated requests, the rate limit allows you For requests using Basicģ0 requests per minute. Multiple factors are combined to boost the most relevant item to the top of the result list. Unless another sort option is provided as a query parameter, results are sorted by best match in descending order. To learn more about the search query syntax, see " Constructing a search query." Ranking search results

You can narrow your search using queries. To satisfy that need, the GitHub Search API provides up to 1,000 results for each search. Just like searching on Google, you sometimes want to see a few pages of search results so that you can find the item that best meets your needs. It's designed to help you find the one result you're looking for (or maybe the few results you're looking for). Think of it the way you think of performing a search on Google. For example, you can find a user or a specific file in a repository. The Search API helps you search for the specific item you want to find.