Tsql syscomments text encoding
Tsql syscomments text encoding

To see the Code Page associated with a particular Collation (this is the character set and only affects CHAR / VARCHAR / TEXT data), run the following: SELECT COLLATIONPROPERTY( 'Latin1_General_100_CI_AS', 'CodePage' ) AS To see how locales match up to collations, check out:

tsql syscomments text encoding

The specific character set / encoding is based on the Code Page, which in turn is based on the Collation of a column, or the Collation of the current database for literals and variables, or the Collation of the Instance for variable / cursor names and GOTO labels, or what is specified in a COLLATE clause if one is being used. that which is found in the CHAR, VARCHAR, and TEXT types - but don't use TEXT, use VARCHAR(MAX) instead) uses an 8-bit encoding (Extended ASCII, DBCS, or EBCDIC). Starting in SQL Server 2019, UTF-8 became a supported encoding for CHAR and VARCHAR data (columns, variables, and literals), but not TEXT (see UPDATE section at the bottom re: UTF-8 starting in SQL Server 2019). Starting in SQL Server 2017, all new Collations (the 140 series) implicitly support Supplementary Characters, hence there are no new Collations with names ending in _SC. treating the surrogate pair as a single entity).

tsql syscomments text encoding

SQL Server 2012 introduced Collations with names ending in _SC that not only sort Supplementary Characters properly, but also allow the built-in functions to interpret them as expected (i.e. That also holds true for the 100 series Collations introduced in SQL Server 2008. Starting in SQL Server 2005 they introduced the 90 series Collations (those with _90_ in the name) that could at least do a binary comparison on Supplementary Characters so that you could differentiate between them, even if they didn't sort in the desired order. Latin1_General_CI_AS) - equate all Supplementary Characters with each other (due to having no sort weight). SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS) xor no version number in the name (e.g. The older Collations - names starting with SQL_ (e.g. Whether or not the built-in functions can properly handle Supplementary Characters, and whether or not those are sorted and compared properly, depends on the Collation being used. This is not configurable: there is no option to use either UTF-8 or UTF-32 (see UPDATE section at the bottom re: UTF-8 starting in SQL Server 2019).

tsql syscomments text encoding

that which is found in the XML and N-prefixed types) in UCS-2 / UTF-16 (storage is the same, UTF-16 merely handles Supplementary Characters correctly).

tsql syscomments text encoding

In most cases, SQL Server stores Unicode data (i.e.

Tsql syscomments text encoding